


Control the tool.


DIRECTSOFT has made ​​every effort to be ready to assist you by offering courses dedicated to:-Provide an update on the news, understand how these legal changes are reflected in your softwarel.








Many available dates from November to January 2012



A team that assists you

A team is at your disposal to assist you in choosing your training. And if your needs are specific, it offers you solutions, tailored to your objectives, and your industry



Intra-company training: Training on measurement !


training solution for your needs. A day or more, this formula allows to tailor programs to meet objectives and participant profiles, deepen specific aspects of the software or the latest company news.



Inter-company training: The training software.


These 2-day courses are aimed at new users and aim to learn how to use software Directsoft. The number of participants is limited to ensure exchanges, interactivity and instructional effectiveness


Distance learning: Training without travel !


From a DSL connection, a telephone line and the latest version of the software installed, follow on screen manipulation and explanations from the trainer.




Informations follow us

20 BP 202 Abidjan 20
+225 06 80 80 85
+225 07 01 01 34

BP 6627 Douala
+237 33 47 07 51
+237 99 38 54 73

    Riviéra Golf, Leader Price, Tours Chari.

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